As soon as you arrive home with your new puppy, the potty training needs to start. You will need to decide on a potty area that you will want your puppy to use. This should be an area about 12-14 feet long or so and about 6 feet deep. You will need to make sure to let this puppy use this area only and no other. This will assure your puppy of the repetition it needs to get used to the idea of going in his own spot and eventually he will get the idea. If whenever you take her outside she tries to go potty in another spot, tell her "No!" in a firm voice and walk her to her spot. Do not leave until she has went potty.

Here are some key points to remember when you start the house training process:

  • Make sure to give your puppy plenty of fresh drinking water.
  • Take your puppy outside to his spot about every thirty minutes. Do not come inside until he has gone potty.
  • Your puppy will go poop about 5 times per day in the beginning.  This will taper off to 2-3 times per day after you reduce the number of feeding times.
  • Leave at least one poop in her potty spot to encourage her to go poop there. 
  • Praise him enthusiastically after he goes potty and then reward him with a small treat immediately. 
  • Take away all food and water before 5 pm. You want her to be empty during your sleeping hours. 
Never put anything in the crate that he can potty on. A blanket or towel may be a way for your puppy to potty in the crate and then simply push it aside. This could result in a very bad habit. We have never put anything in our dogs crate. It is simply a bare bones plastic floor and they are just fine with it.
If you are not able to take your puppy out for a few hours, (it happens) simply make sure your puppy is empty before you have to leave. If your puppy has an accident, simply tell him "no" and then take him outside.

Remove all smell of poop or urine from any contaminated site. Otherwise, she will continue to return to the crime scene. You can do this by using the very best product known as Nature's Miracle. It is a great product that is safe for most carpets and rugs. We have used it tremendously for accidents and when the dog throws up as well. It completely removes all stains and smells. Great for hardwood and tile. We always make sure we have plenty of this on hand.